The 7 Steps to Closing a Deal in Real Estate

The 7 Steps to Closing a Deal in Real Estate


Closing a real estate deal can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing the basics of what is typically involved in closing a real estate transaction can help you prepare for the process. Here are the steps of closing a real estate deal.


This is an important step in closing your transaction and involves getting an independent third-party to inspect the property and make sure that there are no major structural issues or problems with the house or other features such as swimming pools, hot tubs, or septic tanks.


Once you have received satisfactory inspection results, you may go ahead and order an appraisal on the property. An appraisal will give you an idea of how much your home is worth in its current condition, taking into consideration all of its features such as location, square footage, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, etc., and comparing it with similar homes in the area that recently sold.

Negotiate Terms and Price 

At this stage, the buyer and seller will come together to negotiate terms (such as length of ownership) and price points suitable for both parties. It’s important to remember that neither party should feel obligated to accept whatever terms are offered; negotiation will usually involve some back-and-forth between buyer and seller until one side gives up something for the other side’s benefit – it’s all about finding common ground.

Inspection/Repair Period 

After both parties have agreed upon terms, there may be an additional period allocated so that any repairs requested by either party can be made prior to closing day. This time is also used to finalize financing arrangements if applicable.

Title Insurance

In order to protect both parties against any claims or encumbrances on title after closing day – such as unpaid taxes or liens – title insurance can be purchased by either party (but often paid for by the buyer) to ensure protection against any future issues related to ownership rights over time.

Final Walkthrough/Inspection

Just before closing day arrives, buyers should take one last walk through their new home — this allows them one last opportunity to check out any unexpected changes or mistakes that might have occurred during repairs earlier in the process (or even since then).

Closing Day

The exciting final step! During this appointment you’ll review final loan documents & meet with legal reps from each side who will explain all paperwork that must be signed off on before officially transferring ownership of the property from one party to another. 


So now you know what goes into closing a real estate deal – don’t forget any steps along the way and stay organized throughout every phase in order for everything to go as smoothly as possible.

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